By some stroke of misfortune or blatant madness, you have stumbled upon my domain. My name is Seth Kennedy, and this is my online repository of everything I'm willing to share... that is, nothing in particular. If you're here, you're either using a webcrawler or you have the dubious pleasure of knowing me personally.

This is a recent experiment, launched with the aim of forcing myself to learn more about web development. I plan to eventually use this space to upload photos, software, observations on modern life in the form of essays, and generally whatever I feel belongs here. As of right now... well, nothing works. You can try clicking the links above if you want, but as you can probably tell, they're entirely non-functional. You probably won't find anything too terribly interesting here... unless you find badly written and possibly redundant CSS retweetable.

I don't know what it is that you hope to find on this site, but whatever it may be, I do hope you find it.